Friday, May 18, 2012


First my apologies (to those who missed them) for not having posted the past two weeks due to deadlines at work.

There is a seeming contradiction in the berachos the Torah promises at the start of Parashas Bechukosai.

First the Torah tells us that if we toil in Torah and do the mitzvos, Hashem will make peace in our land. In fact, it tells us that things will be so peaceful, armies will not even pass through our land to attack other countries.

Then the Torah tells us that five of the weakest of us will successfully chase a hundred of our enemy and a hundred will chase 10,000.

But who are these enemies? Will be living in peace and tranquility. Why would we have to chase anybody?

Perhaps the Torah is teaching us the following: When Klal Yisroel as a whole does what’s right, when we toil in Torah and we do mitzvos, there will be peace. We won't have challenges physically and we won't have challenges spiritually. And when the core of the nation is strong, even those individuals who are personally weak, will succeed in overcoming their challenges with no problem.

It is only when we fail as a nation, when the strong ones fall short in their commitment and responsibilities, that those on the wayside are unable overcome their challenges. It is then that we all run in fear, but “there is no pursuer”; when we flee from “the sound of a rustling leaf.”

When we fail, we seek bogeymen, but there is no problem on the outside, the problem is on the inside. But we don’t see that.

Until we recognize the truth, as long as we look elsewhere for the cause of our own failings, we cannot correct ourselves. And that is the greatest curse of all.

As Pogo famously said, “We have met the enemy, and he is us.”

May Hashem give all of us the wisdom and the discernment to correctly identify our problems improve ourselves, so that even those on the margins will be able overcome their challenges, and so Hashem will again make it evident to all that we are His children and His nation.

Gut Shabbos.

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