Friday, October 7, 2011

A Quick Thought for Yom Kippur

During our tefillos on these special days, it seems to me that with the exception of life itself and for forgiveness, the most recurring request is for parnassah, sustenance. It is the subject of several lines in Avinu Malkeinu, we mention it in B’sefer Chaim, and certainly in the yehi ratzons  like those during Avinu Malkeinu and Ayei. Even the tefillah of the Kohen Gadol in the Kodesh HaKadashim was primarily for parnassah.

Parnassah is certainly vital to survival. In fact, Chazal tell us (See Pesachim 118a and Rashi there) that Tehillim 136 is called Hallel HaGadol – the Great Praise – because it includes the verse נֹתֵן לֶחֶם לְכָל בָּשָׂר He provides bread [i.e. sustenance] to all flesh. [Perenthetically, Rav Pam pointed out, based on this Gemara, the great zechus of helping someone find a job.]

Despite this, should the requests for this need – great though it be – outnumber those for health and good children?

Perhaps these many requests to Hakadosh Baruch Hu are meant to do more than simply plead with Him to shower us with plenty; perhaps we continually repeat these requests to reinforce to ourselves that He is the nosein lechem lechol bassar.

It is relatively easy to perceive that we need His help for spiritual attainments and health. But how often, as we are involved in our daily pursuits, do we fall into the trap – to a great or lesser degree – of kochi v’otzem yadi assah lie s hachyil hazeh, that we are the ones who determine our success? How frequently, when we have parnassah, do we forget that our livelihoods depend on Him, that He is the One signing our checks?

As we entreat Hashem again and again to grant us parnassah tovah, we reinforce within ourselves the knowledge that it is He Who is responsible for any of our financial success. And we hope that not only will he grant our wish, but also that we will always recognize His kindness to us in this area.

Dovid Hamelech (Tehillim  23:22) was mispalel יְהִי חַסְדְּךָ ד' עָלֵינוּ כַּאֲשֶׁר יִחַלְנוּ לָךְ , May Your kindness, Hashem, be upon us, as we have awaited You. We, too ask Hashem to shower us with kindness, to the extent and in the measure that we hope to Him for it.

May Hashem boutifully shower upon all of us, and all Klal Yisrael, a shanah tovah u’beruchah, a year filled with life, health, nachas, blessings, bounty, and everything good, in every area of life.

Gemar chasimah tovah.

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