At the beginning of this week’s parashah, Moshe transmits Hashem’s reassurances to Klal Yisrael not to fear the Canaanite nations they will be battling as they conquer Eretz Yisrael.
He reminds them of the “Mighty Hand and Outstretched Arm” with which Hashem had taken them from Egypt and of the many miracles they had experienced since then, and Hashem’s pledge to do the same for them as they take control of the Land.
Wonderful. Great. Yetzias Mitzrayim was a magnificent one-day event (even with the makkos it took a year). They had made short shrift of Sichon and Og. So they would take over Eretz Yisrael quickly, right?
Not quite.
Hashem will remove these nations from before you very slowly, you cannot destroy them quickly, for the animals of the field may overcome you… In fact, it was a process that would take seven years.
Klal Yisrael was now changing tracks, from a Nation living on constant open miracles to a Nation living on a different plane. As Rashi (v. 22) explains, if the Jews were not to sin, they would have been able to overtake the Land quickly. But Hashem foresaw that this was not to be.
So the Torah tells us – in advance: It will take time. It may not go smoothly. But be assured, Hashem’s Mighty Hand and Outsretched Arm are there.
The seven-year conquest of the Land is no less Hashem’s guiding Hand than the instant victories over Sichon and Og. The Maker of all miracles is bringing this all about, and it’s for your benefit.
What a message of encouragement!
Whatever the challenge, if we are doing what is right, Hashem is with us, controlling the progress and the outcomes. We may not feel his presence, but He is there. It may take time and there may appear to be setbacks, but it is all His doing. We may not understand it, but it if for our benefit.
In the merit of our bitachon, may we merit to see His open berachos and yeshuos.
Gut Shabbos.